
St. John’s Episcopal-Lutheran Church members are involved in several special ministries to the Williams community and the surrounding area.

Food Cupboard


In November 2017 St. John’s opened a 24/7 food cupboard for the hungry in Williams

Williams receives a once-a-month visit from St. Mary’s Food Bank (based in Phoenix) at Northwoods Church (100 N. Pinecrest Trail) on the first Wednesday of every month starting at 10 a.m.  The members of St. John’s came up with the idea to create a cupboard that will be stocked 24/7 with some basic food items to help in between those monthly deliveries.  Those who are hungry may take what they need, and we ask that everyone in the community, who can, help restock the cupboard to help the next hungry person.  The cupboard was built by Dr. Cesareo Vasquez, and was filled for the first time November 18, 2017.  Within days of being filled for the first time, it was serving several people in the community.  We ask that the Williams community to continue to help us provide food in the cupboard for those that are hungry.

Those needing more food assistance in Arizona should click this link for more helpful information:

Highway 64 Clean-up

highway litter cleanup

Cleaning up Highway 64, Fall 2022

Each Fall, St. John’s volunteers to clean up a section of Arizona Highway 64, just north of I-40, in Williams.  Members of the congregation work together on a Saturday to clean up litter and debris from their designated section.  The date for the cleanup will get announced at church, in the Sunday bulletin, on our Facebook page under Events, and in our Blog.  Everyone who would like to keep our community free of litter and keep our town beautiful is welcome to participate.

Lessons and Carols

Lessons and Carols December 2024

Since 2009, St. John’s has brought a variety of music to the community with concerts on Sunday afternoons during Advent.  The Lessons and Carols choir (which is open to all in the community – not just members of the congregation) and local clergy/lay persons present Lessons and Carols service the second Sunday of Advent. This service also features many local and regional musicians.  The concert(s) are child-friendly and free (a free-will offering is there for who would like to help offset the costs of the performances).  After the service, members of the church serve refreshments in Walker Hall and it provides a time for the musicians, readers, and the public to meet. Check our Events calendar to find out more about Lessons and Carols rehearsals for those who would like to join the choir, and also when the program will be given each year.

Adult Book Study

The Book Study group is currently on a hiatus until January 2025.  We will announce when we are starting up again on the Events calendar. We meet in Walker Hall.  The book study group is open to the community.  You do not need to be a member of St. John’s to participate.  Please write to the church email address with any questions you may have.

St. John’s Choir

St. John's choir Williams AZ

The choir at Easter, 2017

The choir meets at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings in the sanctuary.  Rehearsals last about 30 minutes.

We welcome members and non-members of St. John’s alike – the only requirement is a love of singing God’s praises.  The choir sings once or twice a month on Sunday during the worship service.   We welcome young adults (middle school through high school) as well as adults into the choir. The choir does special music for the Advent and Lent/Easter church seasons along with the regular Sunday music.

Rummage Sales

rummage sale

St. John’s typically hosts one or two large rummage sales per year.  Items do not have price tags, but instead we only ask for a donation for the items needed.  This means it can be what you can afford.  Check our Events calendar to find out when the next sale is going to be!  Proceeds from the sale go to various Episcopal and Lutheran (ELCA) agencies/missions.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinners

March 5 2019 pancake dinner

Each year we mark the day before Lent begins with a Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras pancake dinner for the community.  Pancakes, sausage, fresh fruit, beverages and a variety of syrups are offered for a free-will offering donation.

Blessing of the Animals

The first weekend of October we celebrate the Blessing of the Animals.  All pets are welcomed at St. John’s, receive a blessing, and a St. Francis medallion that can be placed on their collar or cage.  From goldfish to horses, they are all welcomed.  Check our Events page to find out the exact date and time in October.

Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon Meetings

AA and Al-Anon meetings are held in St. John’s Walker Hall (the parish hall).  These meetings are open to the community. Information line phone numbers are: 928-853-7706 or 928-255-7330.  The schedule below does change, so do call to confirm a meeting time and day!

Al-Anon meets in Walker Hall on Thursdays at 6:30 PM.

AA meetings are:

  • Monday -12x 12 Discussion 6:30 – 7:30 PM
  • Tuesday – Speaker Meeting 7:30 – 8:30 PM
  • Wednesday – women’s meeting 10:00 – 11:00 AM
  • Wednesday – Grapevine Discussion 7:30 – 8:30 PM
  • Friday – Daily Reflection 6:30  – 7:30 PM
  • Saturday – Dawn Patrol (closed men’s meeting) 7:30 – 8:30 AM
  • Saturday – Big Book Study 7:30 – 8:30 PM

For more on other AA and Al-Anon area meetings and times call 866-641-9190 for assistance.

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