Weekly Choir Rehearsal

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We will meet  to work on new choral pieces that we will sing in January.  Everyone who loves to sing is welcome to join us for about a 45-minute of practice.  We welcome young people from middle school and up to this choir.  It helps if you read music, but is not necessary.  You also […]

Healing Service

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We will hold a Healing Service for anyone in need of healing (physical, spiritual, mental, etc.).  As this will also be the National Day of Remembrance and the funeral service for former President Jimmy Carter at the Episcopal National Cathedral in Washington, DC, we will also remember his passing and his service to all of […]

Weekly Choir Rehearsal

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

The choir will meet prior to the church service to begin learning some new hymns to sing as anthems for January and February 2025.  All who love to sing are welcome!

Healing Service

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We will hold a Healing Service for anyone in need of healing (physical, spiritual, mental, etc.).  This service is open to all in the community who are in need of any type of healing and spiritual comfort.

Weekly choir Rehearsal

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

The choir will meet prior to the church service to begin learning some new hymns to sing as anthems for January and February 2025.  All who love to sing are welcome!

Budget Planning Meeting

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

The Bishop's committee will meet to review the finances of the church, to review pledge sheets received, and to plan a budget for 2025 that will be proposed to the church members/friends at the Annual Meeting on February 2, 2025.

Weekly Choir Rehearsal

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

The choir will meet prior to the church service to begin learning some new hymns to sing as anthems for January and February 2025.  All who love to sing are welcome!

Annual Meeting of the Congregation

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

The members and friends of St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran church will hold its annual meeting on February 2, 2025.  After the church service, we will meet and relax with a pot luck lunch, and immediately after lunch, we will begin our annual meeting to review the proposed budget, project/programs, and activities for the church year 2025.  […]

Weekly Choir Rehearsal

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

The choir will meet prior to the church service to begin learning some new hymns to sing as anthems for February 2025.  All who love to sing are welcome!

Book Study Group

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

After a two-month hiatus during the holidays, the book study group is starting again, and with a new book.  We will now be reading Jesus: A New Vision: Spirit, Culture, and The Life of Discipleship by Marcus J, Borg.  The book study group is open to everyone in the Williams community.  Copies of the book […]

Healing Service

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We will hold a Healing Service for anyone in need of healing (physical, spiritual, mental, etc.).  This service is open to all in the community who are in need of any type of healing and spiritual comfort.  This service is also open to those who may not be able to worship with us on Sunday mornings, […]

Weekly Choir Rehearsal

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

The choir will meet prior to the church service to begin learning some new hymns to sing as anthems for February and March 2025.  All who love to sing are welcome!