How Does St. John’s Become a Truly Welcoming Community to All?

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

This is our June program that is part of our year-long series on Becoming Beloved Community.  We will have others join us from other congregations to discuss ways in which we can answer this question along with other questions like:  What is meant by an open and welcoming community? How do we open our hearts […]

Weekly Choir Rehearsal

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We will have rehearsal on the 30th and we will be practicing music for July and August.  (We will not have rehearsals on June 16).  Anyone who enjoys singing is invited to join the choir.  We would love to have young people join us and adults.  You do not have to be a member of […]

Religious Book Study

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We are reading and discussing Natural Grace: Dialogues on Creation, Darkness, and the Soul in Spirituality and Science, by Matthew Fox and Rupert Sheldrake.  Those wishing to read and participate will be given a copy of the book.  We meet in Walker Hall (the fellowship hall of the church).  The book study is open to the […]

Weekly Choir Rehearsal

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We will have rehearsal and we will be practicing music for July and August.    Anyone who enjoys singing is invited to join the choir.  We would love to have young people join us and as well as more adults.  You do not have to be a member of St. John’s to participate in our […]