Category Archives: News Blog

Church news

Church Services for January 30, 2022

And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love. – 1 Corinthians 13:13

You are invited to join us this coming Sunday, January 30, 2022, for our in-person service at 10:30 a.m. in our sanctuary at St. John’s, or online for a video service on our Facebook page.  The video will be available by Sunday morning, if not before.  Both services are conducted by our vicar, Pastor Cheryl Fox.  Below is a link to the video service bulletin, which includes all Continue reading

Annual Church Meeting

St. John’s Sanctuary on Pentecost Sunday

The annual meeting of St. John’s will begin at noon on Sunday, January 30th. We will have a short break in between the ending of our 10:30 a.m. service and the beginning of the meeting. During that time, please have a snack or light lunch with you that you can eat outside or in the kitchen. Once we are in Walker Hall for the meeting, we will refrain from eating and Continue reading

Church Services for January 23, 2022

Ruins of ancient Corinth, Greece

Services continue this week in-person at 10:30 a.m. on January 23rd, and also as a video service on our Facebook page.  The video will be available by Sunday morning for those unable to worship with us in the sanctuary of St. John’s.  The printed video service (minus the sermon) is the link below.  This Continue reading

Church Services for January 16, 2022


The marriage at Cana

Church services will be held his week in-person at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday morning and also a video recorded service will be available on our Facebook page by Sunday morning (the link below is for the video service bulletin).  Our Gospel reading this week is about the marriage at Cana where Jesus Continue reading

Church Services for January 9, 2022 – Baptism of Our Lord

This Sunday we celebrate the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist AND we are also bidding a fond farewell to Annie and George Albers, who are moving to New Mexico.  George has dedicated many years to directing our choir and we are so grateful for his talent and willingness to have Continue reading

Church Services for January 2, 2022, Epiphany

Join us for services at St. John’s at 10:30 a.m. this coming Sunday, or on our Facebook page with a video service.  Both services are led by Pastor Cheryl Fox.  We will have lovely music for the season, and a coffee hour after the service. Continue reading

Church Services for December 26, 2021

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. John 1

We will gather in-person for our church service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday morning, December 26th.  We will also provide a video service for those unable to attend on our Facebook page, by Sunday morning (the bulletin for that video service is the link below).  The service will be filled with Christmas music, and we hope you will join us! Continue reading

Christmas Eve Services

St. John’s will have a Candlelight Christmas Eve Service that will begin with a story for children at 4:45 pm followed by Christmas music, with the service beginning at 5 pm.  The service ends with everyone holding a lighted candle and singing Silent Night.  A special guest soloist from Warrenton, Oregon will be singing O Holy Night during the service.  All are welcome to this beautiful service of Christmas music and candlelight for the whole family.

There will also be a video service on our Facebook page.  The service bulletin for the video service is below.

Masks are required for those attending in-person services at St. John’s.

Video Service Bulletin for Chistmas Eve 2021

Lessons and Carols, December 19, 2021

Join us on December 19th for our annual Lessons and Carols.  This service will be at 10:30 a.m. and features readings from the Bible followed by music – our choir and soloists (voice, piano and flute). This is a joyous service and one that marks the 4th Sunday in Advent.  Please join us for this special and Continue reading