Category Archives: News Blog

Church news

Stations of the Cross Devotions Begins March 4th

Stations of the Cross

Eighth Station of the Cross

St. John’s will begin The Stations of the Cross this week.  The Stations of the Cross are a 14-step devotion that commemorates Jesus Christ’s last day on Earth as a man. The 14 devotions, or stations, focus on specific events of His last day, beginning with His condemnation. The stations are commonly used as a mini pilgrimage within our sanctuary as you move from station to station. At each station, we will meditate on a Continue reading

Annual Pancake Dinner to Celebrate Shrove Tuesday

March 5 2019 pancake dinner

“Doc” cooking up a batch of pancakes

February 25th is the date for the annual Fat Tuesday/Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner at St. John’s.  The pancakes start to be served at 5 pm and we will keep serving until 7 pm. Along with pancakes we will have sausage, syrups (maple, fruit and chocolate), fruit to top your pancakes, and whipped cream.  Continue reading

Annual Meeting of the Congregation & Potluck Luncheon

St John's Episcopal Lutheran Church Williams AZ

The members of St. John’s church will have its annual meeting on February 2, 2020, following the 10:30 a.m. service at approximately noon.  The meeting will start with a potluck luncheon.  Annual reports will be given out at this meeting, and a proposed budget for 2020 will be discussed and approved.

A Mexican themed luncheon is planned with a stew and cornbread, so those attending are asked to bring a dessert or a Mexican side dish to share.

All members of St, John’s are asked to be present for this important, once-a-year meeting where we plan and discuss our work for the year ahead.