Ash Wednesday Service, March 5, 2025

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

Our Ash Wednesday service will be led by Rev. Philip Shaw.  Everyone is welcome at this service. You do not need to be a member of St. John's to attend […]


Lenten Soup Dinner and Service

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We will meet weekly for a homemade dinner of soup and bread.  This will be immediately followed by a short Lenten service.  The meal will be in Walker Hall and […]

Book Study Group

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

The book study group is reading Jesus: A New Vision: Spirit, Culture, and The Life of Discipleship by Marcus J, Borg.  The book study group is open to everyone in […]

Healing Service

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We will hold a Healing Service for anyone in need of healing (physical, spiritual, mental, etc.). This service is open to all in the community who are in need of […]

Lenten Soup Dinner and Service

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We will meet weekly for a homemade dinner of soup and bread.  This will be immediately followed by a short Lenten service.  The meal will be in Walker Hall and […]

Lenten Soup Dinner and Service

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We will meet weekly for a homemade dinner of soup and bread.  This will be immediately followed by a short Lenten service.  The meal will be in Walker Hall and […]

Healing Service

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We will hold a Healing Service for anyone in need of healing (physical, spiritual, mental, etc.). This service is open to all in the community who are in need of […]

Lenten Soup Dinner and Service

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We will meet weekly for a homemade dinner of soup and bread.  This will be immediately followed by a short Lenten service.  The meal will be in Walker Hall and […]

Lenten Soup Dinner and Service

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We will meet weekly for a homemade dinner of soup and bread.  This will be immediately followed by a short Lenten service.  The meal will be in Walker Hall and […]

Rummage Sale Setup

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

Everyone who can come and help set up for the rummage sale is needed.  When we have a crew to do the work, it goes quickly.  And we always have […]

Memorial Day Weekend Rummage Sale

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

Shop to you drop at the annual St. John's Memorial Day Weekend Rummage Sale!  There will be zillions of items to choose from: bedding, kitchen ware and utensils, tools. pet […]

Memorial Day Weekend Rummage Sale

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

Shop to you drop at the annual St. John's Memorial Day Weekend Rummage Sale!  There will be zillions of items to choose from: bedding, kitchen ware and utensils, tools. pet […]