Healing Service on August 21st

A Healing Service will be held at noon for all in the community that are in need of healing – whether it is spiritual, physical, or mental/emotional.  The need for […]

Special Choir Rehearsal

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We are adding in an additional choir rehearsal this week in preparation for the worship service on August 25th.  We are working on just one piece for this rehearsal and […]

America – Becoming Beloved Community Family Program

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

Join us for a family-focused program that is especially oriented for young people, about the history of the US Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance.  We will have a sing-along […]

Bishop Reddall Visitation to St. John’s

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

Bishop Jennifer Reddall (from the Arizona Diocese of the Episcopal Church) will be with us for our 10:30 a.m. service.  We will be confirming 6 to 9 individuals at this […]

Religous Book Study

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We are reading and discussing Natural Grace: Dialogues on Creation, Darkness, and the Soul in Spirituality and Science, by Matthew Fox and Rupert Sheldrake.  Those wishing to read and participate will […]

Annual Church Picnic

Home of Beth LaGro Williams, AZ

We will hold our annual church picnic at the home of Beth LaGro, here in Williams.  A sign-up sheet will be on the table in the narthex starting August 4th.  […]

Religious Book Study

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We are reading and discussing Natural Grace: Dialogues on Creation, Darkness, and the Soul in Spirituality and Science, by Matthew Fox and Rupert Sheldrake.  Those wishing to read and participate will […]

Weekly Choir Rehearsal

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We will meet  to work on new choral pieces that we will sing in September and October.  Everyone who loves to sing is welcome to join us for about a […]

Lessons and Carols Choir Rehearsal

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We will begin our choir rehearsals for Lessons and Carols today.  Our Lessons and Carols program will be held on December 8th.   We need sopranos, altos, tenors and basses!  This […]

God’s Work. Our Hands

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We will again celebrate God's Work. Our Hands.  We will do this by having service projects that will benefit those in our community.  We will meet after coffee hour after […]

Religious Book Study

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We are reading and discussing Natural Grace: Dialogues on Creation, Darkness, and the Soul in Spirituality and Science, by Matthew Fox and Rupert Sheldrake.  Those wishing to read and participate will […]

Weekly Choir Rehearsal

St. John's Episcopal-Lutheran Church 202 W Grant Ave., Williams, AZ, United States

We will meet  to work on new choral pieces that we will sing in September and October.  Everyone who loves to sing is welcome to join us for about a […]