Tag Archives: litter pickup

Highway Litter Cleanup Day is September 17, 2022

litter cleanup

On Saturday, September 17th, at 8:00 AM we will meet at the church and then proceed to our section of adopted Highway 64 to do our one-mile litter cleanup.  This is an annual service that St. John’s  does for the Williams community, and also for those traveling on their way to or from the Grand Canyon Continue reading

Highway 64 Litter Pickup Day is October 27th

litter pickup cleanup

This year’s Highway 64 litter pickup day is Saturday, October 27th.  All adult members of St. John’s and friends are invited to help.  We will meet at the church in Walker Hall at 8:00 am.  You must sign a release form first, and we will have garbage bags and vests.  If you have your own bright orange or Continue reading