Worship Service for Sunday, September 10, 2023 – God’s Work. Our Hands.

“Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law. — Romans 13

This Sunday we welcome our guest pastor, the Rev. Michael Girlinghouse.  Pastor Mike will be with us this Sunday and next, September 17th.  Our services will be at 10:30 a.m.  We will not have a video service this week and next.  All are invited and all are welcome to join us!

Mike Girlinghouse

Pastor Mike Girlinghouse

Pastor Mike is the interim Campus Chaplain at LCM|Canterbury at NAU in Flagstaff. LCM|Canterbury is a vibrant community, serving Northern Arizona University and the broader Flagstaff community. Supported by both the Lutheran and Episcopal churches, it provides a spiritual home to students, young adults, and supporters from diverse backgrounds. And Pastor Mike is the past Bishop of the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod of the ELCA.

This Sunday we celebrate God’s Work. Our Hands Sunday.  After the service and coffee hour, we will be putting together gifts trays of goodies for our first responders in the area, and we will also be creating bouquets for each person who receives Meals On Wheels through the Williams Senior Center this coming week.  So … please bring some flowers from your yard (annuals, perennials or wildflowers) and also one dozen cookies, bars, or cupcakes for us to use to do be God’s hands this Sunday. Photos below are from last year!

Creating goodie trays for first responders

Creating bouquets

St. John’s is an affirming and welcoming church in Williams, AZ.  Please join us for our service, coffee hour, and this week our projects for the community!  No matter where you are on your faith journey and no matter what your background, you are invited to join us.