Worship Service for Sunday March 2, 2025, Transfiguration Sunday

Suddenly they saw two men, Moses and Elijah, talking to [Jesus]. They appeared in glory and were speaking of his departure, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem. — Luke 9

This Sunday is the final Sunday in Epiphany and it is also Transfiguration Sunday.  We will begin our worship service at 10:30 a.m. at St. John’s, and all are invited and welcome to join us.  The service will include the Holy Eucharist/Communion, and at St. John’s all are welcome at the Lord’s Table.

St. John’s is an affirming church that shares traditions from both the Lutheran (ELCA) and Episcopal churches.  We invite you to come and get to know us, and to stay for our coffee hour after the service to share in conversation and always some delectable treats and strong, hot coffee (or  ice water or iced tea if you prefer).

Please explore our website to learn more about history and activities.  This coming week we celebrate Shrove Tuesday with our community pancake dinner and we will  have Ash Wednesday service at noon on March 5th.

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