Highway Litter Cleanup Day is September 17, 2022

litter cleanup

On Saturday, September 17th, at 8:00 AM we will meet at the church and then proceed to our section of adopted Highway 64 to do our one-mile litter cleanup.  This is an annual service that St. John’s  does for the Williams community, and also for those traveling on their way to or from the Grand Canyon National Park region.  Many of our church members also live and travel in this area, and will enjoy seeing it littler-free again.

The church will provide bags and florescent colored vests.  Please wear long-sleeved clothing, a hat, sunscreen and bug spray, long pants, good shoes, and gloves to protect yourself! Also this is an adults only service project due to safety concerns on this stretch of the highway.  Any adults wishing to help St. John’s on this service project are welcome to participate.

The total time for cleaning up the one-mile stretch is about 2 hours if we have a good sized group.