Church Services September 18, 2022

He takes up the weak out of the dust and lifts up the poor from the ashes. He sets them with the princes, with the princes of his people. — Psalm 113:6-7

We will join together for worship and Holy Communion this Sunday at 10:30 AM at St. John’s, and also on our Facebook page with a recorded video service.  Both services are led by the Rev. Cheryl Fox. We invite you and welcome you to either service!  Below you will find a link to a PDF file that is the full-text of the video service.  This can be used to follow along with the video on Facebook, or you can also use it for personal reflection and study during the week.  This text contains the full scripture readings and prayers for this Sunday.

St. John’s is an open and affirming church to all.  We extend a special invitation to visitors to Williams to join us during your busy vacation plans to spend an hour with us.

After church, there are always delicious refreshments and lively conversation in Walker Hall.

Masks are optional currently at St. John’s as Covid infections are low in our area.  We do ask that if you are exhibiting any cold or flu-like symptoms that you please wear a mask.

We look forward to meeting you!

Reconciling In Christ