Services for September 11, 2022, God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday

God's work our hands

This coming Sunday is a very special day.  We will celebrate “God’s Work. Our Hands.” (#GodsWorkOurHands) and we will also remember all those who perished on September 11th.  We have three work projects that we will do after church service, which begins at 10:30 a.m. We will honor victims of 9/11 with special music to begin and end our service, and we will also have the choir singing this Sunday.

For our three project, we will: 1) create bouquets of wildflowers that will get delivered to Meals on Wheels recipients; 2) bring homemade goodies and create platters to be taken to our first responders here in town; and 3) beautify the outside of the church (and thereby be a good neighbor) by pulling weeds, picking up litter, and trimming back growth in the back yard area.

Later this week, we continue with Our Hands by doing our annual litter pickup on Highway 64 on a one mile stretch close to the entrance of Kaibab Lake Campground. Please meet at the church on September 17th at 8:00.  We will leave from there together to the mile-long area for cleanup.

St. John’s is an open and affirming church.  We welcome all and invite you to participate in the life of this church from near or far.

We will also have a video service this week for those unable to attend on Sunday morning at our in-person service.  We will post a video of an identical (but minus Holy Communion) service, led by Pastor Fox, on our Facebook page.  Below is a link to the full-text version of the video service for September 11th.  You can use this to follow along, and it can also be used for study and reflection during the week as it contains all the scripture readings for the week and prayers.

Video Service Proper 19C Sept 11 2022 (PDF)

Reconciling In Christ