Holy Week Services

Holy week

Holy Week services will begin with our Palm Sunday service on April 2, at 10:30 a.m. in Walker Hall.  There we will begin the service and then palms will be distributed to everyone and we will process into the sanctuary, where we will hold the rest of the service.

Holy Week services will continue on Maundy Thursday with a service at 7 PM, and on Good Friday with a service at 12 PM noon.  Each service will be about 1 hour in length.

We will have a video service for Palm Sunday on our Facebook page.  The full-text of the service is provided below in the PDF file link.

If you have any questions about the services, please write in the comment area below and we will get back to you!

Video Service Palm Sunday April 2 2023 (PDF) – this is the full-text of the service so that you may follow along with the video on our Facebook page or use this for personal study and reflection during Holy Week.