Indoor/Outdoor Rummage and Craft Sale

indoor yard sale 2018

Annual Indoor/Outdoor Rummage and Craft Sale at St. John’s

Our annual rummage sale will include crafts this year and also be indoors and out!  The sale will run two days, October 2 and 3, 2020, and go from 8-4 each day.  There’s plenty of parking along Grant Avenue in front of the church.  The area is accessible to all.

Donations can be brought to St. John’s until September 30th as setup for the sale is on October 1. The best time to drop off donations is on Sunday morning when you attend the church service.

Please note, that we continue to love and safeguard each other by wearing masks!  Taking care of each other – our neighbors – is part of being a Christian. Keeping each other healthy is part of that care and respect.

As always there will be a huge variety of items to select from! Shopping is always fun and we guarantee you will find something to take home with you.

See you there!!