After eight days had passed, it was time to circumcise the child;
and he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb. — Luke 2
IMPORTANT UPDATE: We are canceling church service tomorrow at 10:30 AM, but the video service is now on our Facebook page. We ask that if you must travel on the 1st, you do so with great caution as we are expecting dangerous travel conditions starting at 5:00 AM January 1, 2023 through Monday morning, January 2nd.
We will have church services on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on January 1st and also on our Facebook page as a video recording. Both services will be led by the Rev. Cheryl Fox. Service at St. John’s will include Holy Communion/Holy Eucharist, and all are invited to come forward and receive the Holy Communion with us. As always, we receive the bread, and, we offer the onecup. For Episcopalians, we also offer intinction of the wafer in the cup. As is a custom for Lutherans, we offer small glasses of wine. We also offer small glasses of grape juice. You may also cross your arms across your chest to receive a blessing only.
Below is a link to a PDF file that contains the full-text of the video service. This can be used to follow along with the service on our Facebook page, or it can be used for personal reflection and study during the week as it contains the liturgy, including scripture readings, for the week.
After the service please stay for conversation and fellowship, along with coffee, tea and treats in Walker Hall.
At St. John’s, all are invited to join us. We are a welcoming and affirming church.
Video Service Holy Name January 1 2023 (PDF)

Reconciling In Christ