Category Archives: News Blog

Church news

Services for Ascension Sunday, May 16, 2021

This coming Sunday, May 16, 2021, is Ascension Sunday. You are invited to join either our in-person service at 10:30 a.m. at St. John’s or a video recording of the service on our Facebook page. Both services will be led by our vicar, the Rev. Cheryl Fox.  The text of the service is below (PDF linked file).  It can be used to follow with Rev. Fox on the video or for home study and reflection. Continue reading

Services for Sunday May 9, 2021 – Mother’s Day

Please join us this Mother’s Day, May 9, 2021, for our in-person service at St. John’s at 10:30 a.m. or on our Facebook page on Sunday morning, where we will have a recorded video of the service for those unable to attend.  We will be honoring our mothers and we ask, if you are able, to bring and share a photo of your mother.  There will be a table where you can place your photo and then pick it up after the service. Continue reading

New Book Study Begins May 4th

A new book has been selected, The Universal Christ, and we will begin studying and discussing it this Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. in Walker Hall at St. John’s.  Anyone interested in joining the discussion is welcome!  You do not need to be a member of St. John’s to join the group. Continue reading

Services for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, 2021

Jesus said to his disciples, ”I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinegrower.” John 15:1

On May 2, 2021 we will have two services for the fifth Sunday of the Easter season.  We will have our traditional in-person service at 10:30 a.m. at St. John’s in our sanctuary, and we will have a recorded video of the service on our Facebook page by Sunday morning.  The text of the service is below as a link. Continue reading

Sunday Service for Earth Day, 2021

earth day

This Sunday, April 25, 2021, we will celebrate Earth Day at 10:30 a.m. at our in-person service at St. John’s, along with a recorded video of the service on our Facebook page. The video will be posted by Sunday morning.  The text of the service is below as a link, so that you may follow along or use it for home study and reflection. Continue reading

Services for the Third Sunday of Easter, 2021

Join us for one of our two services for the Third Sunday of Easter, April 18, 2021! We will have an in-person service at 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary of St. John’s.  We will, also, have a video recording of the service available on our Facebook page by that Sunday morning for those of you who are unable to join us. Continue reading

Service for the Second Sunday of Easter 2021

Jesus Thomas

Jesus said to Thomas, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.” — John 20

For the second Sunday of Easter, April 11, 2021, we will have an in-person service at St. John’s at 10:30 a.m., and we will also have the same service video recorded and available on our Facebook page by Sunday morning.  The text of the service for our Facebook page is provided below (PDF file) so that you may follow along or use it for personal study and reflection at home.

We follow CDC and local church guidance at St. John’s and continue to wear masks and to physically distance ourselves.  We do this to show our love and concern for each other.  While many of us are now fully vaccinated, others are not, and so we continue to practice safety and common sense.

Please come and join us either at St. John’s this Sunday or you may view our weekly videos on our Facebook page. We are a welcoming church and invite all to worship with us, no matter where you are on your faith journey.

Service for the Second Sunday – Easter 2021 (PDF)


Easter Service, April 4, 2021

Join us in singing Alleluias this coming Sunday, April 4th at 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary at St. John’s!  We will celebrate the Risen Christ with joyous hymns, the choir, and live music once again. We do ask that you continue to wear a mask and and keep a distance from others to keep each of us safe as we hope to see the pandemic wind down.

The service will also be recorded and on our Facebook page on Sunday morning. Both services will be led by our vicar, the Rev. Cheryl Fox. Below you will find the text version of the Easter service.  This may be used if you are watching the video service, or for home study.

Happy Easter!

Facebook Video Service for Easter 2021 – Text (PDF)

Good Friday Service for April 2, 2021

We will begin our Good Friday service at noon, April 2, 2021.  We will have services both in-person at St. John’s in our sanctuary, and online with a recorded video of the same service on our Facebook page.

In-person services at St. John’s do require the wearing of a mask and physical distancing as we continue to protect and show our love and respect for one another.

Both services will be led by our vicar, the Rev. Cheryl Fox.  Below you will find the service bulletin, which can be used for home study and also for use while watching the video.

All are invited and are most welcome to worship with us.  We extend a special welcome to visitors to the Grand Canyon who might be staying here in Williams during Holy Week.

Service for Good Friday 2021 (pdf file)

Service for Maundy Thursday, April 1, 2021

Please join us at St. John’s for our Maundy Thursday church service, at 5:30 p.m., April 1, 2021 in the sanctuary.  We will also have a video recording of this service available on Thursday on our Facebook page.  Both services will be led by Rev. Cheryl Fox, our vicar.  Continue reading