Tag Archives: Evangelical Lutheran Church of America

Church Service for Sunday, July 24, 2022


Jesus was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.” Luke 11

You are invited to join us at 10:30 a.m. this Sunday for our weekly church service.  We welcome the return of a guest minister this week, The Rev. JoAnn Leach, who is a tired Episcopal priest. (Pastor Fox is on a well-deserved vacation).  There will not be a video service this week.

All are welcome to join us in worship at St. John’s.  We are an open and affirming church and we are delighted to have visitors to Williams join us, along with those searching for a “home” church.

After service, please stay and join us for coffee or tea, conversation, and usually a bounty of homemade delights baked by our members.

Easter Sunday Services 2022

He Is Risen stained glass window at St. John’s in Williams, AZ

Easter tree 2022 in Walker Hall

Please come and join us for Easter service, April 17, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. at St. John’s Episcopal-Lutheran Church in Williams, at 202 W. Grant Ave.  This will be a joyous service with special music.  For those unable to join us, there will be a recorded Easter service available by Sunday morning with Pastor Cheryl on our Facebook page. Continue reading

Palm Sunday & Bishop’s Visit, April 10, 2022

palm sunday

All Glory, Laud, and Honor, to thee, Redeemer, King!

Join the procession from Walker Hall with palms, and into the sanctuary as we celebrate Palm Sunday, and enter into Holy Week at St. John’s.  The Revered Deborah Hutterer, Bishop for the Grand Canyon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA)  will be our special guest Continue reading

Services for the Fourth Sunday in the Season of Creation

We celebrate the 4th Sunday in the Season of Creation with our 10:30 a.m. Sunday service at St. John’s, and with a recorded video service on our Facebook page for those who cannot be with us in person. Pastor Cheryl Fox will lead both services. Below is the video service’s bulletin Continue reading

Christ the King Sunday Service for November 22, 2020

November 22, 2020 is Christ the King Sunday. We will gather together to worship at 10:30 a.m.in the sanctuary and online on our Facebook page where you will find a recording of the same service.  Both services will be officiate by the Rev. Cheryl Fox.

Below please find a PDF file link to the full service bulletin.  This includes the lyrics to the hymns, prayers and liturgy and readings.  You can use this to follow along with the video recording on our Facebook page.  Or you can read it on your own or bring it with you to the service.

We continue to require masks inside the church and to physically distance once inside.  We appreciate your helping to  keep each other healthy!

All are welcome and invited to join us either in-person or on our Facebook page.

Service Bulletin for November 22, 2020 – Ante Communion – Christ the King

St. John’s Attends ELCA Grand Canyon Synod Meeting

ELCA meeting June 2018

ELCA aseembly June 2018

This past week (June 13-14), Pastor Mary Piotrowski and Ms. Deb Noel attended the annual assembly of the ELCA Grand Canyon Synod in Tucson, Arizona, representing St. John’s. Pastor Mary and Deb had the happy opportunity to visit with Mrs. Sally Almen (far left), who had visited St. John’s in April with her husband, the current Grand Canyon Synod Bishop, and with Elizabeth A. Eaton, who is the fourth Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (far right). Continue reading